Arch Linux 2024.03.29 ISO 镜像下载

  • Release Date: March 29, 2024
  • Kernel Version: 6.8.2
  • Available: No
  • Download via Torrent 
  • Download via Magnet URI 
  • SHA256: 764ca6b3c6e726cacdce5e116f949a1244fb1907ebdc0e8bf089fe98878d9893
  • BLAKE2b: d0b705e5361422a1f1f087cf9882f9c5a3f88775d99169b098bf424def195553be48dc05ab711884d9a6c11da6b880e48980b3cea7d7f546d36a7b1648de6115
  • PGP fingerprint: 0x54449A5C

Release Notes

This ISO image has been released to replace the 2023.03.01 image which contained the backdoored xz package. See The xz package has been backdoored for more details.

Torrent Information

  • Comment: Arch Linux 2024.03.29 <>
  • Creation Date: March 29, 2024, 6:32 p.m. UTC
  • Created By: mktorrent 1.1
  • Announce URL: None
  • File Name: archlinux-2024.03.29-x86_64.iso
  • File Length: 955.3 MB
  • Piece Count: 1911.0 pieces
  • Piece Length: 512.0 KB
  • Info Hash: 255b6af708cd415cf63064d21429fcbbad05899b
  • URL List Length: 390 URLs


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